Discount plan eligibility for NGO and non-profit

Rabbit Loader is available to all qualifying nonprofits, charities, or NGOs at a discounted rate. This article will help you to find out if your organization qualifies for it, and if yes, how to proceed further.


To be eligible for a Rabbit Loader Nonprofits account, an organization must meet the below criteria(s) in their country. Currently, the program is available only for selected countries mentioned below –

BrazilThe organization must be registered with TechSoup Brasil and qualified as OSCIP (Organizations for the Public Interest).
GermanyThe organization must be registered with
IndiaThe organization must be registered with BigTech NASSCOM Foundation and also registered either under section 8 of the Companies Act 2013.
USAThe organization must be recognized by nonprofits, charities, or NGOs by TechSoup and should fall under tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations formed for charitable, educational, religious, literary, scientific, or other tax-exempt purposes as established by The Internal Revenue Service, USA.

If your organization meets the above criteria, feel free to apply for the program by contacting our support team with documents supporting the eligibility. Depending on the number of requests we receive, the application process may take time. Request fulfillment is subject to the availability of quota and the number of accounts we accept every month and other resource constraints.

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